Friday, December 20, 2019

The Relationship Between Mental Disorders And How It Can...

This paper will discuss the relationship between mental disorders and how it can be conducive to criminal behavior. Throughout the years humans have been blighted with the inability to control their impulsive behavior. Therefore, creating violent episodes with the need to want to hurt others. There are several reasons why some individuals turn to crime, but the question is, how is it that the human mind works, and is it really that difficult to differ right from wrong? There are various reasons why so many seem to fall into the vicious cycle of psychosis. Some people may not have control over the â€Å"way of life† that they were born into, others simply don’t want to recover from their illness, and there are those which it is too late for because they’ve fallen into a deep depression that they just can’t escape. For many years genetics, inadequate parenting skills, and financial instability have all been a factor in the evolution of mental disorders. They have contributed to the lack of self-control that is required in order to fight off the urges to commit crimes. All around the world, millions of people suffer from mental disorders. â€Å"Mental illness impacts the lives of at least one in four adults and one in 10 children across the United States† Botzakis, S. (2014). Whether it be from antisocial personality, schizophrenia, or postpartum depression, they all seem to drive the individual to commit violent crimes. On the other hand, some acts of violence may very well beShow MoreRelatedSituational And Situational Crime Prevention Theory1454 Words   |  6 Pagescrimes. Broken windows theory’s central concept is, â€Å"unchecked social disorder or public incivility is the cause of serious crimes (Text, 463)†. Crime and disorder are generally inseparably connected in a developmental series, at the community level. The series contains three stages. 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