Friday, October 18, 2019

Intext Global Expansion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words - 1

Intext Global Expansion - Research Paper Example Having carried out a proper market research, I have concluded that we need to expand the business to three nations namely, China, India, and South Africa as a means of expanding our market scope, profitability, and brand globally. Intext Computers is a fast growing company in the technology industry, and the introduction of the software products is indeed a big boost to the organization. Blending the hardware and software aspects of a computer has increased our sales significantly in the past one year through an increase in customer base. Such an observation is indeed an indication showing that with proper strategies and effective marketing, Intext Computers could make it big in the global markets. From the preliminary research on the three nations namely, China, India, and South Africa, it is evident that Intext Computers stands a better chance of success by putting up appropriate and effective measures towards the realization of the company’s goals and objectives. Despite the positive attributes of doing business in another country, there are equally obstacles that limit the success of companies in other nations. One of the determinant factors towards the success or failure of a business in another country is culture, which refers to the particular beliefs, practices, and behaviours of a particular group of individuals within a particular society that distinguishes them from other societies1. Chinas economy is fast growing, and as such, provides a better market opportunity for market success. Despite the view of culture as an obstacle to successful business in China, on the contrary, culture remains a factor that if used appropriately, could yield sufficient results. U nder social customs, China’ culture embeds on building relationships, which usually start with shaking of hands and nodding of the head and fostered by status, and such work to benefits a business as good business involves the building of strong relationships with customers2. Chinese have strong family ties and for business, once you capture a customer, it is easy to get more especially from the strong family ties.  

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